Meaning of 'kaccu'

s. broad tape, bandage, girdle, kaccai.

kaccukkattil, a bed-stead with tape bottom.
kaccuppattai, kaccaippattai, broad and strong band for the bottom of chairs, bed-steads, palankeens etc.; a sort of bodice worn by women. itaikkaccu; belt, sash.

Meaning of கச்சு

s. broad tape, bandage, girdle, கச்சை.

கச்சுக்கட்டில், a bed-stead with tape bottom.
கச்சுப்பட்டை, கச்சைப்பட்டை, broad and strong band for the bottom of chairs, bed-steads, palankeens etc.; a sort of bodice worn by women. இடைக்கச்சு; belt, sash.

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