Meaning of 'ocai'

s. sound, vocal sound, oli; 2. musical sound, icai; 3. renown; 4. plantain, vazai.

ocaippata, to clink.
ocaiyayirukka, to yield a sound, to be melodious.
ullocai, a sound from within.
perocai, a great sound.

Meaning of அசை

s. a syllable; 2. the cud, இரை மீட்டல்; 8. an expletive, அசைநிலை.

அசைச்சொல், words as particles.
அசைபோட,-இட-வெட்ட, to ruminate, to chew the cud.
நிரையசை, a compound metrical syllable.
நேரசை, a single metrical syllable.

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