Meaning of 'ompu'

III. v. t. protect, save ka; 2. preserve, patuka; 3. support, penu; 4. ward off, keep off, parikari; 5. clutch tightly, (as a miser) ivayu.

ompal, v. n. taking care of anything, patukattal.
viruntompal, entertaining guests and devotees, hospitality.
ompatu, v. t. protect; avoid; cheer up.
ompatai, safeguard, protection; 2. place of protection; 3. keeping in mind; 4. remedy.

Meaning of ஓம்பு

III. v. t. protect, save கா; 2. preserve, பாதுகா; 3. support, பேணு; 4. ward off, keep off, பரிகரி; 5. clutch tightly, (as a miser) இவறு.

ஓம்பல், v. n. taking care of anything, பாதுகாத்தல்.
விருந்தோம்பல், entertaining guests and devotees, hospitality.
ஓம்படு, v. t. protect; avoid; cheer up.
ஓம்படை, safeguard, protection; 2. place of protection; 3. keeping in mind; 4. remedy.

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