III. v. t. protect, save
ompal , v. n. taking care of anything,patukattal .
viruntompal , entertaining guests and devotees, hospitality.
ompatu , v. t. protect; avoid; cheer up.
ompatai , safeguard, protection; 2. place of protection; 3. keeping in mind; 4. remedy.
III. v. t. protect, save
ஓம்பல் , v. n. taking care of anything,பாதுகாத்தல் .
விருந்தோம்பல் , entertaining guests and devotees, hospitality.
ஓம்படு , v. t. protect; avoid; cheer up.
ஓம்படை , safeguard, protection; 2. place of protection; 3. keeping in mind; 4. remedy.