Meaning of 'otu'

III. v. i. run, sail, pass quickly, flee, viraintucel; 2. extend, grow long, nilu; 3. happen, occur. campavi, as in ivalukkotukiya novum; be determined, resolved, tirmanikkappatu; 5. be dismantled, kulai; 6. go, as a watch; pass as time; to sail, cellu.

vorotukiyatu, roots run into the ground.
kappal otukiyatu, the ship sails or is under sail.
otani, a pin or bolt for fastening the parts of a jewel.
otippitikka, to overtake in running.
otippoka, to run away, to fly off.
otiyatipparkka, to go about, to endeavour.
otivara, to come running.
otukkalan, natoti, a vagabond, an unsteady character.
otuvippuruti, a running cancer.
otuvi, causative of otu.

Meaning of ஓடு

a sign of the 3rd case, the social ablative, with, together with.

புருஷனோடு வாழுகிறாள், she lives with her husband.
மரத்தை வேரோடு வெட்டினான், he cut out the tree from the root.
கட்டோடு, entirely.

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