Meaning of 'otu'

III. v. i. run, sail, pass quickly, flee, viraintucel; 2. extend, grow long, nilu; 3. happen, occur. campavi, as in ivalukkotukiya novum; be determined, resolved, tirmanikkappatu; 5. be dismantled, kulai; 6. go, as a watch; pass as time; to sail, cellu.

vorotukiyatu, roots run into the ground.
kappal otukiyatu, the ship sails or is under sail.
otani, a pin or bolt for fastening the parts of a jewel.
otippitikka, to overtake in running.
otippoka, to run away, to fly off.
otiyatipparkka, to go about, to endeavour.
otivara, to come running.
otukkalan, natoti, a vagabond, an unsteady character.
otuvippuruti, a running cancer.
otuvi, causative of otu.

Meaning of ஓடு

s. a potsherd, கல்லோடு; 2. tile, தட் டோடு; 3. skull, மண்டையோடு; 4. a pod, the shell of a nut, an egg etc. 5. mendicants' vessel, திருவோடு.

ஓடுபிரிக்க, to remove tiles from a house.
ஓடுபோட, --பரப்ப, --வேய, to cover with tiles.
ஓடுமாற்ற, --திருப்ப, to turn the tiles of a house.
ஓட்டடை, ஓட்டப்பம், a pancake.
ஓட்டாங்கிளிஞ்சில், broken oyster shells.
ஓட்டாண்டி, a mendicant; 2. a destitute man.
ஓட்டாம்பாரை, a fish.
ஓட்டுத்தடுக்கு, a tiled roof.
ஆமையோடு, a tortoise shell.
தட்டோடு, சிற்றோடு; a flat tile.
தலையோடு, மண்டையோடு, the skull, brain pan.
நாழியோடு, a spout to convey water from the house.
வறையோடு, a frying pan.
ஓடன், a tortoise, ஆமை.

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