Meaning of 'oli'

VI. v. t. (caus. of oli II) hide, conceal, mayai VI; v. i. abscond, mayai II.

olittirukka, to lurk unseen.
olittukkolla, to conceal or hide one-self.
olittukkontu tiriya, to abscond, to stray, to wander in private, in a state of incognito.
olittu vilaiyata, to play at, play at hide-and-seek.
olippitam, a hiding place, an ambush, olivu.

Meaning of ஒளி

VI. v. t. (caus. of ஒளி II) hide, conceal, மறை VI; v. i. abscond, மறை II.

ஒளித்திருக்க, to lurk unseen.
ஒளித்துக்கொள்ள, to conceal or hide one-self.
ஒளித்துக்கொண்டு திரிய, to abscond, to stray, to wander in private, in a state of incognito.
ஒளித்து விளையாட, to play at, play at hide-and-seek.
ஒளிப்பிடம், a hiding place, an ambush, ஒளிவு.

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