Meaning of 'orumai'

s. oneness, union, concord, oyyumai; 2. singular number; 3. one birth oru piyappu; 4. truthfulness; 5. decision, termination; 6. peerlessness.

orumaippattirukka, to live in union and peace.
orumaippatutta, to unite, to reconcile.
orumaippatu, unanimity, concord.
orumai makalir, chaste women.

Meaning of ஒருமை

s. oneness, union, concord, ஒற்றுமை; 2. singular number; 3. one birth ஒரு பிறப்பு; 4. truthfulness; 5. decision, termination; 6. peerlessness.

ஒருமைப்பட்டிருக்க, to live in union and peace.
ஒருமைப்படுத்த, to unite, to reconcile.
ஒருமைப்பாடு, unanimity, concord.
ஒருமை மகளிர், chaste women.

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