Meaning of 'oppi'

VI. v. t. (caus, of o) cause to agree, oppaccey; 3. prove, urupi; 4. recite by recalling to mind what has been learnt.

kanakkoppikka, to render account, to deliver the account.
paiyan patam oppittan, he boy repeated the lesson.
oppittukkolla, to take charge of an office or business. (coll.)

Meaning of ஒப்பி

VI. v. t. (caus, of ) cause to agree, ஒப்பச்செய்; 3. prove, உரூபி; 4. recite by recalling to mind what has been learnt.

கணக்கொப்பிக்க, to render account, to deliver the account.
பையன் பாடம் ஒப்பித்தான், he boy repeated the lesson.
ஒப்பித்துக்கொள்ள, to take charge of an office or business. (coll.)

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