Meaning of 'oppari'

s. comparison, oppu; 2. a funeral elegy, lamentation (abounding with comparisons) oppuccolli azutal, azukaip pattu.

opparikolla, --pitikka, to esteem one as a near relation for his resemblance to a deceased member of the family.
opparikkaran, (fem. opparikkari) the person so esteemed
opparicolla, --ittaza, --ita --vaikka, to bewail the death of a relation.

Meaning of ஒப்பாரி

s. comparison, ஒப்பு; 2. a funeral elegy, lamentation (abounding with comparisons) ஒப்புச்சொல்லி அழுதல், அழுகைப் பாட்டு.

ஒப்பாரிகொள்ள, --பிடிக்க, to esteem one as a near relation for his resemblance to a deceased member of the family.
ஒப்பாரிக்காரன், (fem. ஒப்பாரிக்காரி) the person so esteemed
ஒப்பாரிசொல்ல, --இட்டழ, --இட --வைக்க, to bewail the death of a relation.

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