Meaning of 'otukkam'

otukku, otukkitam, s. (otungku) retreat, retirement, mayaivu; 2. a shelter, a hidden place, mayai vitam; 3. a narrow place, corner, itukku.

otukkayirukka, to be out of the way, in a corner.
otukkuppuyam, (otuppuyam), the side of a building, tree etc. as affording shelter or privacy.
nizalotukku, a shady place to resort to.

Meaning of ஒதுக்கம்

ஒதுக்கு, ஒதுக்கிடம், s. (ஒதுங்கு) retreat, retirement, மறைவு; 2. a shelter, a hidden place, மறை விடம்; 3. a narrow place, corner, இடுக்கு.

ஒதுக்காயிருக்க, to be out of the way, in a corner.
ஒதுக்குப்புறம், (ஒதுப்புறம்), the side of a building, tree etc. as affording shelter or privacy.
நிழலொதுக்கு, a shady place to resort to.

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