III. v. t. (caus, of
otukku , v. n. closeness, narrowness, contraction, compression; 2. dent, depression.
otukkitam , a corner to creep in.
utampai yotukka , to reduce the body by eating sparingly, to contract the body (as a tiger).
celavai otukka , to retrench expenses.
pulanai otukka , to restrain the passions.
vayiyyai otukka , to take less food in order to save money.
III. v. t. (caus, of
ஒடுக்கு , v. n. closeness, narrowness, contraction, compression; 2. dent, depression.
ஒடுக்கிடம் , a corner to creep in.
உடம்பை யொடுக்க , to reduce the body by eating sparingly, to contract the body (as a tiger).
செலவை ஒடுக்க , to retrench expenses.
புலனை ஒடுக்க , to restrain the passions.
வயிற்றை ஒடுக்க , to take less food in order to save money.