Meaning of 'o'

VI. v. t. be alike, equal, agree, conform, resemble, nikar; v. i. agree to, consent, poruntu; 2. be fit for, suitable to takutiyayiru; 3. be in concord, oyyumaippatu; 4. be of good character, be well-behaved, ozukka mutaiyaraku.

atai, (atanotu, atayku) okkum, it equals or is like that.
okka, adv. (inf.) together with, in company with; 2. plentifully.
okkakkitakkiyatu, there is abundance.
okkap piyantavarkal, children of the same mother.
okkappoka, to go together, in com- aiya , s. vocat. of aiyan, sir, also aiya, aiye (used by low caste people while addressing their masters).

Meaning of ஒ

VI. v. t. be alike, equal, agree, conform, resemble, நிகர்; v. i. agree to, consent, பொருந்து; 2. be fit for, suitable to தகுதியாயிரு; 3. be in concord, ஒற்றுமைப்படு; 4. be of good character, be well-behaved, ஒழுக்க முடையராகு.

அதை, (அதனோடு, அதற்கு) ஒக்கும், it equals or is like that.
ஒக்க, adv. (inf.) together with, in company with; 2. plentifully.
ஒக்கக்கிடக்கிறது, there is abundance.
ஒக்கப் பிறந்தவர்கள், children of the same mother.
ஒக்கப்போக, to go together, in com- ஐயா , s. vocat. of ஐயன், sir, also ஐய, ஐயே (used by low caste people while addressing their masters).

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