Meaning of 'enai'

adj. other, the rest, mayya; 2. s. the other, the remaining one, enaiyatu.

enaiya, neut. pl. the other things, the rest, ena; 2. adj. as enai.
enaiyar, enaiyavar, enaiyor, enor, masc. pl. the other, the rest.

Meaning of ஏனை

adj. other, the rest, மற்ற; 2. s. the other, the remaining one, ஏனையது.

ஏனைய, neut. pl. the other things, the rest, ஏன; 2. adj. as ஏனை.
ஏனையர், ஏனையவர், ஏனையோர், ஏனோர், masc. pl. the other, the rest.

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