s. plough,
ettanai eruzukiyan ,avanukku ettanai er uzukiyatu , how many yoke of oxen has he, how many acres of arable land has he?
eratikka ,eruza ,erotta , to plough.
eranmai , tillage.
eralar , ploughmen, husbandmen; (alsoeror .)
erkkal , the plough beam, the shaft of a carriage.
erkkuntai , a yoke of oxen.
erccir , implements of husbandry.
erttozil , agriculture.
erpputta , to yoke the oxen to the plough.
ervaram , a share of the produce allowed for the team.
orinaiyer , a yoke of oxen.
orinaiyerp payir , crops of land ploughed by a yoke of oxen; one acre of arable land.
kayayyer ,pinner , the second or hindermost yoke of oxen.
ponnerkatta , to plough for the first time on a lucky day in the season.
munner matu ,munnerkkuntai , the first or best yoke of oxen.
s. plough,
எத்தனை ஏருழுகிறான் ,அவனுக்கு எத்தனை ஏர் உழுகிறது , how many yoke of oxen has he, how many acres of arable land has he?
ஏரடிக்க ,ஏருழ ,ஏரோட்ட , to plough.
ஏராண்மை , tillage.
ஏராளர் , ploughmen, husbandmen; (alsoஏரோர் .)
ஏர்க்கால் , the plough beam, the shaft of a carriage.
ஏர்க்குண்டை , a yoke of oxen.
ஏர்ச்சீர் , implements of husbandry.
ஏர்த்தொழில் , agriculture.
ஏர்ப்பூட்ட , to yoke the oxen to the plough.
ஏர்வாரம் , a share of the produce allowed for the team.
ஓரிணையேர் , a yoke of oxen.
ஓரிணையேர்ப் பயிர் , crops of land ploughed by a yoke of oxen; one acre of arable land.
கயற்றேர் ,பின்னேர் , the second or hindermost yoke of oxen.
பொன்னேர்கட்ட , to plough for the first time on a lucky day in the season.
முன்னேர் மாடு ,முன்னேர்க்குண்டை , the first or best yoke of oxen.