Meaning of 'ellu'

(el) III. v. t. mock, abuse, ninti; 2. deride, laugh at, nakai; 3. equal, oppaku.

ellal, ellutal, v. ns. reproaching.
ellaypatu, scorn, reproach, ikazcci.
ella, infinitive of ellu, to reproach; 2. a sign of comparison, uvamaiyurupu.
ellurai, disrespectful speech.

Meaning of எள்ளு

(எள்) III. v. t. mock, abuse, நிந்தி; 2. deride, laugh at, நகை; 3. equal, ஒப்பாகு.

எள்ளல், எள்ளுதல், v. ns. reproaching.
எள்ளற்பாடு, scorn, reproach, இகழ்ச்சி.
எள்ள, infinitive of எள்ளு, to reproach; 2. a sign of comparison, உவமையுருபு.
எள்ளுரை, disrespectful speech.

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