VI. v. t. burn, destroy by fire,
erippan ,erippan ,kolli ,erippuk karan , a jealous, envious person.
erippu , v. n. burning, envy, jealousy.
eri karumpu , firewood, fuel.
ericcakayi ,erikayi ,erittakayi , rechauffe,cuntaykayi (ericceyi ).
eripuzu , a brownish-yellow caterpillar, the touch of which causesa burning sensation and a discolouring of the skin.
erivanam , cremation ground.
erivantu , a Spanish fly; 2. an insect which striking against the eye-ball causes smarting.
VI. v. t. burn, destroy by fire,
எரிப்பன் ,எரிப்பான் ,கொள்ளி ,எரிப்புக் காரன் , a jealous, envious person.
எரிப்பு , v. n. burning, envy, jealousy.
எரி கரும்பு , firewood, fuel.
எரிச்சகறி ,எரிகறி ,எரித்தகறி , rechauffe,சுண்டற்கறி (எரிச்சேறி ).
எரிபுழு , a brownish-yellow caterpillar, the touch of which causesa burning sensation and a discolouring of the skin.
எரிவனம் , cremation ground.
எரிவண்டு , a Spanish fly; 2. an insect which striking against the eye-ball causes smarting.