Meaning of 'ey'

VI. v. i. grow weary, fail in strength, ilai; 2. exert oneself, take pains, patupatu; 3. be deficient, kuyaivuyu; v. t. know, understand, ayi.

eyppu, v. n. weariness; 2. poverty as in eyppuraiyan (elati.)
eyttal, v. n. growing weary.
eyyamai, (ey+a neg.+mai) ignorance.

Meaning of எய்

I v. t. cast, throw, எறி, 2. discharge arrows; பாணம் பிரயோகி.

எய்தவனிருக்க அம்பை நோவானேன் With the archer before you why do you blame the arrow?
எய்தல், எய்வு, v. ns.

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