III. v. t. stretch forth, reach at,
enakkettatu , I cannot reach it, I cannot comprehend it.
enakkettinamattum , as far as I could reach.
manovakkuk kettatatu , what is in comprehensible and unspeakablekaik kettinatu vayk ketta villai There is many a slip between the cup and the lip. (Proverbs.)
kannuk kettinamattum , as far as the eye can see.
avanukku intac collai ettavai , explain this word to him.
etta , adv. (inf.) far, away, aloof.
ettanata ,ettinata , walk fast, step on.
ettappo ,ettippo , go further.
ettam , length, (ittuni avanukku ettam potavillai , this cloth is not long enough for him).
ettakkai , a very remote place.
ettippayikka , to reach and pluck.
ettinar , friends xettar , enemies.
III. v. t. stretch forth, reach at,
எனக்கெட்டாது , I cannot reach it, I cannot comprehend it.
எனக்கெட்டினமட்டும் , as far as I could reach.
மனோவாக்குக் கெட்டாதது , what is in comprehensible and unspeakableகைக் கெட்டினது வாய்க் கெட்ட வில்லை There is many a slip between the cup and the lip. (Proverbs.)
கண்ணுக் கெட்டினமட்டும் , as far as the eye can see.
அவனுக்கு இந்தச் சொல்லை எட்டவை , explain this word to him.
எட்ட , adv. (inf.) far, away, aloof.
எட்டநட ,எட்டிநட , walk fast, step on.
எட்டப்போ ,எட்டிப்போ , go further.
எட்டம் , length, (இத்துணி அவனுக்கு எட்டம் போதவில்லை , this cloth is not long enough for him).
எட்டாக்கை , a very remote place.
எட்டிப்பறிக்க , to reach and pluck.
எட்டினர் , friends xஎட்டார் , enemies.