III. v. t. stretch forth, reach at,
enakkettatu , I cannot reach it, I cannot comprehend it.
enakkettinamattum , as far as I could reach.
manovakkuk kettatatu , what is in comprehensible and unspeakablekaik kettinatu vayk ketta villai There is many a slip between the cup and the lip. (Proverbs.)
kannuk kettinamattum , as far as the eye can see.
avanukku intac collai ettavai , explain this word to him.
etta , adv. (inf.) far, away, aloof.
ettanata ,ettinata , walk fast, step on.
ettappo ,ettippo , go further.
ettam , length, (ittuni avanukku ettam potavillai , this cloth is not long enough for him).
ettakkai , a very remote place.
ettippayikka , to reach and pluck.
ettinar , friends xettar , enemies.
s. eight; 2. the 8th day of a funeral ceremony. In combination it is often contracted into
எட்டாம்வரி , the eighth line.
எட்டிலே பத்திலே , now and then.
எட்டிலொருபங்கு ,எட்டிலொன்று , an eighth part.
எண்சாணுடம்புக்குச் சிரசே பிரதானம் , the head is the chief of the eightspan body.
எண்காற்பறவை , -புள் , Sarabha, a fabulous bird.
எட்டெட்டு ,எவ்வெட்டு , eight by eighteight to (of) eight.
எண்குணன் , Argha, Siva, the eightfooted bird regarded as the foe of the lion, (சிம்புள் .)
எண்கோணம் , octangular, eight-cornered.
எண்ணாயிரம் , eight thousand.
எண்ணான்கு , eight times four.
எண்ணெட்டு , eight times eight.
எண்பது , eighty.
எண்மடங்கு , eight-fold.