Meaning of 'ekku'

III. v. t. draw in the stomach, contract the stomach; 2. force through, as one's way in a crowd; v. i. stand on tip-toe to reach something, ettu; 2. climb up, ascend, eyu; 3. heap up as sand by waves.

ekkal, v. n. the act of contracting the stomach; 2. that which is cast ashore, silt, sand etc.
ekkal atikka, to be heaped up by the waves.
ekki, a syringe, squirt.

Meaning of எக்கு

III. v. t. draw in the stomach, contract the stomach; 2. force through, as one's way in a crowd; v. i. stand on tip-toe to reach something, எட்டு; 2. climb up, ascend, ஏறு; 3. heap up as sand by waves.

எக்கல், v. n. the act of contracting the stomach; 2. that which is cast ashore, silt, sand etc.
எக்கல் அடிக்க, to be heaped up by the waves.
எக்கி, a syringe, squirt.

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