Meaning of 'uzal'

s. what is decayed, of bad quality or conduct, kettatu; 2. what is filthy, putrid, nasty, uttai; 3. hell, narakam; 4. slovenliness, tayu mayu.

uzal kutivazkkai, a nasty economy; dirty, disorderly management of a family.
uzal catai, flabby flesh.
uzal nayyam, an intolerable smell.

Meaning of ஊழல்

s. what is decayed, of bad quality or conduct, கெட்டது; 2. what is filthy, putrid, nasty, ஊத்தை; 3. hell, நரகம்; 4. slovenliness, தாறு மாறு.

ஊழல் குடிவாழ்க்கை, a nasty economy; dirty, disorderly management of a family.
ஊழல் சதை, flabby flesh.
ஊழல் நாற்றம், an intolerable smell.

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