Meaning of 'uttai'

s. uncleanness, nastiness, filth, azukku.

uttaic cilai, an unclean cloth.
uttai tangka, to bear dirt without showing it (like cloth).
uttai nayi, a nasty person; 2. a fetid tree, pi nayi.
uttaip pallan, a person with dirty teeth.
uttaip pantam, a dirty vessel; fig. the body.

Meaning of ஊத்தை

s. uncleanness, nastiness, filth, அழுக்கு.

ஊத்தைச் சீலை, an unclean cloth.
ஊத்தை தாங்க, to bear dirt without showing it (like cloth).
ஊத்தை நாறி, a nasty person; 2. a fetid tree, பீ நாறி.
ஊத்தைப் பல்லன், a person with dirty teeth.
ஊத்தைப் பாண்டம், a dirty vessel; fig. the body.

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