Meaning of 'ulattu'

III. v. t. lead about a horse, child etc., ulavappannu; v. i. walk, ulavu.

ulattikkontirukka, to be walking about.
ulattu, v. n. walking, excursion, procession, ula.
ulattukkatavu, folding door.
ulattukkattai, pivot on which a door turns.

Meaning of உலாத்து

III. v. t. lead about a horse, child etc., உலாவப்பண்ணு; v. i. walk, உலாவு.

உலாத்திக்கொண்டிருக்க, to be walking about.
உலாத்து, v. n. walking, excursion, procession, உலா.
உலாத்துக்கதவு, folding door.
உலாத்துக்கட்டை, pivot on which a door turns.

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