Meaning of 'urai'

VI. v. t. pronounce, speak, say, pecu; 2. rub to powder, tey; 3. try or assay gold by rubbing it on a touchstone; 4. smear or daub, pucu; 5. polish, merukitu.

uraivanmai, eloquence, oratorical power.
tokutturaikka, to summarise.
cantanam uraikka, to rub down sandal into paste.
tazavurai, speak humbly.
uraitta col, a spoken word.
uraippu, rubbing, telling.
munnuraikka, to foretell.
viritturaikka, to explain at large.

Meaning of உரை

s. utterance, speech, பேச்சு; 2. word, sentence, மொழி; 3. commentary, வியாக்கியானம்; 4. rubbing, தேய்வு; 5. touch of gold or silver on the stone, மாற்று; 6. fame, reputation, புகழ்; 7. roar, முழக்கம்; 8. sacred writings, ஆகமம்.

உரைகல், a touch-stone.
உரைகாரன், உரையாசிரியன், a commentator.
உரைநூல், a work on which a commentary has been written.
உரையாணி, a gold pin for testing the quality of gold.
உரையெழுத, to write a commentary.
உரைவாசகம், prose, composition.
உரைசான்ற நீதியுளாய் (திருவி.); you whose justice has won fame.

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