Meaning of 'uruttiran'

s. Siva, the destroyer one of the pancakarttakkal.

uruttirar, a class of demigods.
uruttiravinai, a kind of guitar.
uruttirakkinai, fury.
uruttirapisekam, a libation, reciting Rudra mantra.
uruttirani, Parvathi.
uruttira pumi, burning ground, where Siva is said to dance.
uruttirarokam, breast pang, being a disease in the anagatham orrudracentre, one of the dynamic nerveplexuses in the body, marataippu.

Meaning of உருத்திரன்

s. Siva, the destroyer one of the பஞ்சகர்த்தாக்கள்.

உருத்திரர், a class of demigods.
உருத்திரவீணை, a kind of guitar.
உருத்திராக்கினை, fury.
உருத்திராபிஷேகம், a libation, reciting Rudra mantra.
உருத்திராணி, Parvathi.
உருத்திர பூமி, burning ground, where Siva is said to dance.
உருத்திரரோகம், breast pang, being a disease in the anagatham orrudracentre, one of the dynamic nerveplexuses in the body, மாரடைப்பு.

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