Meaning of 'utiram'

s. blood irattam.

utiramkattu, suppression of lochia.
utirakkalappu, near relationship, consanguinity.
utiraccikkal, painful menstruation.
utiraculai, clots of blood formed in the uterus.
utiranarampu, --stanam, veins, bloodvessels.
utirapacam, the tie of blood attachment between relations.
utirappatu, excessive menstruation.

Meaning of உதிரம்

s. blood இரத்தம்.

உதிரம்கட்டு, suppression of lochia.
உதிரக்கலப்பு, near relationship, consanguinity.
உதிரச்சிக்கல், painful menstruation.
உதிரசூலை, clots of blood formed in the uterus.
உதிரநரம்பு, --ஸ்தானம், veins, bloodvessels.
உதிரபாசம், the tie of blood attachment between relations.
உதிரப்பாடு, excessive menstruation.

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