Meaning of 'utayu'

III. v. t. shake off, utayippotu; 2. wrest one's self from the grasp of another, timiyu; 3. renounce, as the world, friends etc. vilakku; v. i. shake with ague, natungku.

en varttaiyai utayinan, he rejected what I said.
utayikkontu pokiyan, he is refractory.
patinta tuciyai utaya, to shake off the dust.
utayukali, a cow that kicks and will not be milked; a woman that shakes her feet in walking.
patayi utayi kalakkamuya, to tremble with anxiety.
utayuvali, shaking palsy (utayuvatam)

Meaning of உதறு

III. v. t. shake off, உதறிப்போடு; 2. wrest one's self from the grasp of another, திமிறு; 3. renounce, as the world, friends etc. விலக்கு; v. i. shake with ague, நடுங்கு.

என் வார்த்தையை உதறினான், he rejected what I said.
உதறிக்கொண்டு போகிறான், he is refractory.
படிந்த தூசியை உதற, to shake off the dust.
உதறுகாலி, a cow that kicks and will not be milked; a woman that shakes her feet in walking.
பதறி உதறி கலக்கமுற, to tremble with anxiety.
உதறுவலி, shaking palsy (உதறுவாதம்)

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