Meaning of 'utavi'

s. help, assistance, cakayam; 2. gift, benefit, upakaram; boon, donation.

kalattilceyta utavi, timely help.
camayattiykeyya utavi; seasonable aid.
utaviyayirukka, --ceyya, to help.
kaikkutavi, help to the hand, something to lean upon as a staff, an assistant etc.
porulutavi, pecuniary help.
vakkutavi, collutavi, help by word, recommendation.
utavikkaran, (Christ.) servant, minister, deacon, fem. utavikkari, deaconess.

Meaning of உதவி

s. help, assistance, சகாயம்; 2. gift, benefit, உபகாரம்; boon, donation.

காலத்தில்செய்த உதவி, timely help.
சமயத்திற்கேற்ற உதவி; seasonable aid.
உதவியாயிருக்க, --செய்ய, to help.
கைக்குதவி, help to the hand, something to lean upon as a staff, an assistant etc.
பொருளுதவி, pecuniary help.
வாக்குதவி, சொல்லுதவி, help by word, recommendation.
உதவிக்காரன், (Christ.) servant, minister, deacon, fem. உதவிக்காரி, deaconess.

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