Meaning of 'ucci'

s. the top, crown, nuni; 2. the crown of the head, uccantalai; 3. midday, mattiyanam; 4. the zenith; 5. a knot of hair, mayir muti; 6. limit, end, ellai; 7. a dog, nay.

ucciyil vitum, it will clear up at noon.
ucci urumam, --neram, noon midday.
uccikkatan, midday, devotions.
uccikkaranti, a small spoon chiefly used for pouring oil on the head.
uccikkalaiyam, the uppermost earthen vessel in a column of pots.
uccikkizan, the sun lit. lord of the zenith.
uccikkutumi, a tuft of hair on the crown of the head of males.
uccikkuzi, the fontanel.
uccikkontai, tuft of hair on the crown of one's head; 2. crest, as of a cock, ceval mutaliyavayyin talaiccuttu.
uccikkompu, the highest branch of a tree.
ucciccutti, & uccippu, an ornament for the forehead of children.
uccippilavai, an ulcer breaking out on the top of the head.
uccippozutu, noon-day.
uccimalai, a steep rock, a precipice.
uccimuka, --mokka, to smell the crown of the head of children in fondness.
ucciver, the main root of a tree.
malaiyucci, the top of a hill.

Meaning of உச்சி

s. the top, crown, நுனி; 2. the crown of the head, உச்சந்தலை; 3. midday, மத்தியானம்; 4. the zenith; 5. a knot of hair, மயிர் முடி; 6. limit, end, எல்லை; 7. a dog, நாய்.

உச்சியில் விடும், it will clear up at noon.
உச்சி உருமம், --நேரம், noon midday.
உச்சிக்கடன், midday, devotions.
உச்சிக்கரண்டி, a small spoon chiefly used for pouring oil on the head.
உச்சிக்கலையம், the uppermost earthen vessel in a column of pots.
உச்சிக்கிழான், the sun lit. lord of the zenith.
உச்சிக்குடுமி, a tuft of hair on the crown of the head of males.
உச்சிக்குழி, the fontanel.
உச்சிக்கொண்டை, tuft of hair on the crown of one's head; 2. crest, as of a cock, சேவல் முதலியவற்றின் தலைச்சூட்டு.
உச்சிக்கொம்பு, the highest branch of a tree.
உச்சிச்சுட்டி, & உச்சிப்பூ, an ornament for the forehead of children.
உச்சிப்பிளவை, an ulcer breaking out on the top of the head.
உச்சிப்பொழுது, noon-day.
உச்சிமலை, a steep rock, a precipice.
உச்சிமுக, --மோக்க, to smell the crown of the head of children in fondness.
உச்சிவேர், the main root of a tree.
மலையுச்சி, the top of a hill.

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