Meaning of 'utu'

III. v. i. feign to be in discord as a wife to her husband and vice versa, pinangku; 2. be impatient.

utal, v. n. discord, pirivu; 2. feigned dislike as between husband and wife, pinakku.

Meaning of ஈடு

s. substitution, what is equal in value, பதில்; 2. a pawn, pledge, அடகு; 3. reward, compensation, கைம்மாறு; 4. comparison, match, equality, ஒப்பு; 5. means, தகுதி; 6. dignity as in ஈடின்வனப்பு (ஏலாதி); 7. content, subject as of a letter; 8. coat-ofmail, கவசம்.

ஈடற்றார், (ஏலாதி) those having no means to pay the king's taxes.
அதற்கு ஈடாக இதைக் கொடுக்கிறேன், I give you this for that.
நீ அவனுக்கு ஈடாவாயா? are you equal with him?
அம்மாத்திரத்துக் கெனக்கீடில்லை, I have not the means to give or do so much.
அவளுக்கு இவன் ஈடல்ல, he is not a suitable match for her.
ஈடில்லாத கடன், money lent without pawn.
ஈடுகட்ட, ஈடுபண்ண, ஈடுபடுத்த, to compensate, to give security.
ஈட்டுக்கீடுசெய்ய, to render like for like, to requite, retaliate.
ஈடுசெலுத்த, -கொடுக்க, to reward, to give equivalent.
ஈடுபாடு, loss and gain, pledge.
ஈடேற, to obtain heaven, to be saved, to prove successful.
ஈடேற்ற, to save, redeem, to gain one's end.
ஈடேற்றம், salvation, deliverance from misery and suffering.
நஷ்டஈடு, indemnity.
ஈடுபட, to be engaged in, to be absorbed in.
தருமகாரியத்தில் ஈடுபட, to be absorbed in charitable acts.
கடவுள் தியானத்தில் ஈடுபட, to be absorbed in meditation or devotion to God.
தெய்வநீதிக்குப் பதிலாக ஈடு செலுத்தல், (Christ) vicarious satisfaction.

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