Meaning of 'iya'

iyavu, s. see iyal.

Meaning of இற

VII. v. i. die, expire, perish, சா; 2. become obsolete, பழமையாகு; 3. pass (as time) செல்லு; 4. exceed the measure or limit, கட; 5. excel, be preeminent, மிகு.

இறக்கை, இறத்தல், v. n. death, dying.
இறந்தகாலம், past tense.
இறந்தோர், the dead.
இறப்பு, இறவு, v. n. see separately.
அளவிறந்த, immense, beyond measure.
எண்ணிறந்த, innumerable.

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