Meaning of 'il'

(particle) gram. a negative sign; the root of a negative symbolic verb, denying the existence of a thing. (cf. al, & ul).

ili, one who is without, generally a suffix at the end of compounds, as in piyappili, iyaiyuli, ularili, perili, etc.
illatavan, illal, (pl. illar. illor, illatavar) one utterly destitute.
illatatu, illatu, what is not existing, falsehood.
illatatum pollatatum collu kiyan, he tells lies and speaks evil of others.
illamal, illatu, inyi, adv. part. used as prep; without.
vicuvacamillamal, inyi, without faith.
tamataminyi, without delay.
illakkuti, destitute family.
illamai, illattanam, inmai, absence, want, indigence, poverty.
inyi, see illamal.
inyiyamaiyata kariyam, an indispensable thing, a sine qua non.
illatoziya, to completely disappear.

Meaning of இல்

(particle) gram. a negative sign; the root of a negative symbolic verb, denying the existence of a thing. (cf. அல், & உள்).

இலி, one who is without, generally a suffix at the end of compounds, as in பிறப்பிலி, இறையுலி, உளரிலி, பேரிலி, etc.
இல்லாதவன், இல்லாள், (pl. இல்லார். இல்லோர், இல்லாதவர்) one utterly destitute.
இல்லாதது, இல்லாது, what is not existing, falsehood.
இல்லாததும் பொல்லாததும் சொல்லு கிறான், he tells lies and speaks evil of others.
இல்லாமல், இல்லாது, இன்றி, adv. part. used as prep; without.
விசுவாசமில்லாமல், இன்றி, without faith.
தாமதமின்றி, without delay.
இல்லாக்குடி, destitute family.
இல்லாமை, இல்லாத்தனம், இன்மை, absence, want, indigence, poverty.
இன்றி, see இல்லாமல்.
இன்றியமையாத காரியம், an indispensable thing, a sine qua non.
இல்லாதொழிய, to completely disappear.

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