Meaning of 'ikaz'

ikazu, II. v. t. scorn, despise, reproach, ninti.

ikaza ikazcci, irony, satire.
ikazcci, v. n. scorn, despising, defamation; 2. meanness inferiority.
ikazcci panna, to scorn, despise.
ikazvu, v. n. scorn, contempt, defamation.

Meaning of இகழ்

இகழு, II. v. t. scorn, despise, reproach, நிந்தி.

இகழா இகழ்ச்சி, irony, satire.
இகழ்ச்சி, v. n. scorn, despising, defamation; 2. meanness inferiority.
இகழ்ச்சி பண்ண, to scorn, despise.
இகழ்வு, v. n. scorn, contempt, defamation.

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