Meaning of 'anti'

(anticci, fem.) a religious mendicant of the Siva sect, a devotee, pantaram.

antimuntan, an unfortunate beggar of that order.
antukolla, to rule, keep under
antai, (antaicci fem.) landlord, the master of slaves.
alan, appet aff. (pl. alar) as pakai yalan, pakaiyalar, foes.
ali, s. and aff. see separately.
alukai, v. n. rule, government. aracatci, kaniyatci, kaiyala etc. see aracu, etc.

Meaning of ஆண்டி

(ஆண்டிச்சி, fem.) a religious mendicant of the Siva sect, a devotee, பண்டாரம்.

ஆண்டிமுண்டன், an unfortunate beggar of that order.
ஆண்டுகொள்ள, to rule, keep under
ஆண்டை, (ஆண்டைச்சி fem.) landlord, the master of slaves.
ஆளன், appet aff. (pl. ஆளர்) as பகை யாளன், பகையாளர், foes.
ஆளி, s. and aff. see separately.
ஆளுகை, v. n. rule, government. அரசாட்சி, காணியாட்சி, கையாள etc. see அரசு, etc.

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