Meaning of 'olam'

s. sound noise, oli; 2. lamentation, invocation of the deity, apa yak kural; 3. the sea, katal; 4. a snake, pampu.

olamita, to call on God for help, to weep aloud, to shout.
olamittazukiyal, she is crying or weeping loud.
allola kallolam, onomatopoetic expression denoting confused noise and shout.

Meaning of ஆலம்

s. water, நீர்; 2. rain, மழை; 3. banyan tree, ஆலமரம்; 4. ocean, sea, கடல்; 5. breadth (அகலம்).

ஆலங்கட்டி, ஆலாங்கட்டி, hail stone.

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