Meaning of 'vacam'

s. a house, a dwelling place or habitation, vacastalam; 2. smell, perfume, vacanai; 3. a country, a village; 4. a town in a cultivated, country; 5. feathers, iyaku; 6. speech, word, vakku; 7. Saraswati, the goddess of learning; 8. celerity, swift motion. vekam; 9. cloth, cilai; 1. an arrow, ampu.

vacangkatta, vacanaikatta, vacamutta, to perfume.
vacastalam, an abode, a house.
vacampanna, -ceyya, vacikka, to dwell, to inhabit, to live.
vacar, vacikal, sojourners; 2. hermits.
vaci, a dweller, an inhabitant.
vanavaci, a hermit, a dweller in a forest or wilderness.
cakavacam, familiarity, cohabitation.

Meaning of வாசம்

s. a house, a dwelling place or habitation, வாசஸ்தலம்; 2. smell, perfume, வாசனை; 3. a country, a village; 4. a town in a cultivated, country; 5. feathers, இறகு; 6. speech, word, வாக்கு; 7. Saraswati, the goddess of learning; 8. celerity, swift motion. வேகம்; 9. cloth, சீலை; 1. an arrow, அம்பு.

வாசங்கட்ட, வாசனைகட்ட, வாசமூட்ட, to perfume.
வாசஸ்தலம், an abode, a house.
வாசம்பண்ண, -செய்ய, வசிக்க, to dwell, to inhabit, to live.
வாசர், வாசிகள், sojourners; 2. hermits.
வாசி, a dweller, an inhabitant.
வனவாசி, a hermit, a dweller in a forest or wilderness.
சகவாசம், familiarity, cohabitation.

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