Meaning of 'vakkiyam'

s. a sentence, vacanam; 2. an aphorism, a wise saying, pazamozi; 3. the system of astronomy followed in the south, as distinguished from the Surya Siddantha of the north; 4. an astronomical table.

apavakkiyam, an inauspicious or ominous expression.
cupavakkiyam, an oracular indication of good.
mulavakkiyam, original text.
tevavakkiyam, an inspired speech, passage or text.

Meaning of வாக்கியம்

s. a sentence, வசனம்; 2. an aphorism, a wise saying, பழமொழி; 3. the system of astronomy followed in the south, as distinguished from the Surya Siddantha of the north; 4. an astronomical table.

அபவாக்கியம், an inauspicious or ominous expression.
சுபவாக்கியம், an oracular indication of good.
மூலவாக்கியம், original text.
தேவவாக்கியம், an inspired speech, passage or text.

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