Meaning of 'val'

s. tail, trail, train, tokai; 2. purity, clearness, cuttam; 3. whiteness, venmai; 4. abundance, mikuti.

kutirai valaivicukiyatu, the horse wags the tail.
valayutta kutirai, a crop-tailed horse.
valatta, to wag the tail, to do mischief, to assume authoritative airs.
valamai, see separately.
valan, a kind of bearded rice.
valitu, that which is pure, white, appropriate, tuyatu.
val natcattiram, -min, comet, val velli. valmilaku, long pepper.
vaykotumai, parley.

Meaning of வல்

s. strength, power, பலம்; 2. quickness, speed, சீக்கிரம்; 3. a hillock, மேடு; 4. dice, சூதாடுகருவி.

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