II. v. i. desist, cease,
ayntoyntuparkka , to consider maturely, to deliberate.
avanukkuk kaiyum kalum oyntu poyiyyu , his hands & legs have become weary & weak or paralysed through over-exertion or illness.
atittoya , to desist from beating.
oyamal , incessantly, without intermission.
oyccal oziccalillamal , without rest or breathing time.
oyccal ozivu , rest, leisure.
oyvu ,oyal , v. n. cessation, ceasing, rest, weakness.
oyvunal , the day of rest, the Sabbath day (chr.us.)
II. v. t. pick by removing what is unclean, pick out the weeds or refuse, pluck, select, choose, cull,
கீரையில் புல்லாய்கிறாள் , she pluks grass out of pot herbs.
ஆய்ந்து (ஆய்ந்தோய்ந்து )பார்க்க , to search deep into a matter, to think deeply.
ஆய்ந்தோர் , persons of knowledge and research.
ஆய் ,ஆய்தல் ,ஆய்வு . (v. ns.).