Meaning of 'mulam'

s. root, bulb, kizangku; 2. origin, commencement, ati; 3. cause, source, means, karanam; 4. text of a book; 5. the piles, hemorrhoids, mula viyati; 6. the first region of the human body.

avan mulamay, by his means, by his intercession.
ivan atukkatimulam, he is the cause of it.
mulakantam, an aromatic grass, andropogan muricatum, vettiver; 2. the roots of trees and plants.
mulakam, a root; 2. the radish, mullangki.
mulak katuppu, pain from piles.
mulakkaran, one who has the piles, a hot-tempered man.
mulacam, all the vegetable produc- tions which have roots.
mula stanam, the principal seat or interior place of a temple; 2. a king's residence.
mula tanam, mulat tiraviyam, a capital or stock, mutal; 2. a treasure accumulated by ancestors.
mulapalatikal, roots, fruits etc. eaten by ascetics in forests.
mula pasai, the original language.
mulappatam, original text without commentary.
mulapporul, God, the prime cause of the universe.
mulap pirakiruti, maya as the cause of visible creation.
mula vikkirakam, stationary idol, not used in processions (opp. to uycava vikkirakam).
mulaviyati, -kirani, -noy, the piles, hemorrhoids.
mula ver, the principal root of a tree.
mulakkiram, the root and the top.
mulakkini, the warmth of the stomach.
mulakkini kilampinal teriyum, if I am exasperated it will appear.
mulataram, the posteriors including the hip.
muli, any, plant; 2. a tree as having roots; 3. a medicinal root.
iratta mulam, bleeding piles.
ul mulam, tenesmus.
ci mulam, piles attended with discharge of matter.
puya mulam, external hemorrhoids.
vayal mulam, costiveness.

Meaning of மூலம்

s. root, bulb, கிழங்கு; 2. origin, commencement, ஆதி; 3. cause, source, means, காரணம்; 4. text of a book; 5. the piles, hemorrhoids, மூல வியாதி; 6. the first region of the human body.

அவன் மூலமாய், by his means, by his intercession.
இவன் அதுக்காதிமூலம், he is the cause of it.
மூலகந்தம், an aromatic grass, andropogan muricatum, வெட்டிவேர்; 2. the roots of trees and plants.
மூலகம், a root; 2. the radish, முள்ளங்கி.
மூலக் கடுப்பு, pain from piles.
மூலக்காரன், one who has the piles, a hot-tempered man.
மூலசம், all the vegetable produc- tions which have roots.
மூல ஸ்தானம், the principal seat or interior place of a temple; 2. a king's residence.
மூல தனம், மூலத் திரவியம், a capital or stock, முதல்; 2. a treasure accumulated by ancestors.
மூலபலாதிகள், roots, fruits etc. eaten by ascetics in forests.
மூல பாஷை, the original language.
மூலப்பாடம், original text without commentary.
மூலப்பொருள், God, the prime cause of the universe.
மூலப் பிரகிருதி, maya as the cause of visible creation.
மூல விக்கிரகம், stationary idol, not used in processions (opp. to உற்சவ விக்கிரகம்).
மூலவியாதி, -கிராணி, -நோய், the piles, hemorrhoids.
மூல வேர், the principal root of a tree.
மூலாக்கிரம், the root and the top.
மூலாக்கினி, the warmth of the stomach.
மூலாக்கினி கிளம்பினால் தெரியும், if I am exasperated it will appear.
மூலாதாரம், the posteriors including the hip.
மூலி, any, plant; 2. a tree as having roots; 3. a medicinal root.
இரத்த மூலம், bleeding piles.
உள் மூலம், tenesmus.
சீ மூலம், piles attended with discharge of matter.
புற மூலம், external hemorrhoids.
வறள் மூலம், costiveness.

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