adj. & adv. before, formerly, antecedent, previous,
vittukku mun , before the house.
vittin mun munyu katavukal untu , there are three doors in the front of the house.
avan varukiyatayku (varum , alsovarata tayku) mun , before he came.
muykalattile ,munnalile , in former days.
muykuyippu , prefiguration.
muykopam , a sudden anger from a slight cause.
muykopi , a hot-tempered, hasty man.
muycani , the tenth lunar mansion,makanal .
muypakal , forenoon.
muypata , to precede, to go before; 2. to come in front, to meet.
muypavam , the former or first birth.
munkattu , the front rooms, or buildings in a house; 2. the hands pinioned before.
munyanai , fastening for a beast's foreleg.
munyanai , seemuntanai , the skirt of a person's cloak.
muyyutan , a fore-runner.
munpani ,muypani , the season of evening dew (December and January).
mun pattiyam , first right.
munpin , com.munne pinne , before and behind, as usual; 2. about,eyakkuyaiya .
munpin vatikkaiyanapati cey , do as usual.
munpin vicarikka , to deliberate with oneself about a thing.
munpu , before; 2. antiquity; 3. greatness; 4. strength.
mun (munnukkup )poka , to go before, to advance.
munpola , as formerly.
munmatiri , example.
munvarung kariyam , an event or thing which shall come hereafter.
munvayppal , fore-teeth, cutters, incisors.
munnangkal , the skin or forepart of the leg; 2. the fore-feet of a quadruped.
munnangkai , the forearm from the fingers to the elbow.
munnataiyalam , prognostic, typical prefiguration.
munnani , the van of an army.
munnanai , manger, crib; 2. a firstborn child.
munnataka , asmunne .
munnantam , the front view.
munnantalai , the forehead.
munnantotai , a fore-shoulder or fore-quarter of a mutton etc., the front of the thigh.
munnam ,munname ,munnar , before.
munnaya ,munnuya , beforehand, previously.
munnaka , first, beforehand.
munnati , (collog.) asmunnaya .
munnale , formerly, before.
munnita , (v. i. & t.), to go foremost; 2. to be successful; 3. to let another go first; 4. to invoke through one's intercession.
camiyai munnittuppo , go in the name of the Lord.
oruvarai munnittuppoka , to go to one in the name of another; to follow behind one who goes inmu , (adi. old, ancient, antigue, mu mutu ; 2. three, third,mu .mutatai , (fem.mutay ) grand-father.mutevi , the goddess of ill-luck, the elder sister of Lakshmi.muvinai , three yoke of oxen,muvinai .muvaracar ,muventar , the three famous kings, Sera, Shola and Pandia.muvar , three persons; 2. the Triad.muvaintu ,muvayu , etc., three times five, six etc.muvulakam , the three worlds.Meaning of முன்
adj. & adv. before, formerly, antecedent, previous,
முந்தின ; 2. first in importance,முதன்மையான ; 3. next, future,இனிமேலான ; 4. prep. (with gen. or dat.) in front of, before; 5. s. antiquity,பழமை . Before hard consonantsன் may change intoற் .வீட்டுக்கு முன் , before the house.வீட்டின் முன் மூன்று கதவுகள் உண்டு , there are three doors in the front of the house.அவன் வருகிறதற்கு (வரும் , alsoவராத தற்கு) முன் , before he came.முற்காலத்திலே ,முன்னாளிலே , in former days.முற்குறிப்பு , prefiguration.முற்கோபம் , a sudden anger from a slight cause.முற்கோபி , a hot-tempered, hasty man.முற்சனி , the tenth lunar mansion,மகநாள் .முற்பகல் , forenoon.முற்பட , to precede, to go before; 2. to come in front, to meet.முற்பவம் , the former or first birth.முன்கட்டு , the front rooms, or buildings in a house; 2. the hands pinioned before.முன்றனை , fastening for a beast's foreleg.முன்றானை , seeமுந்தாணை , the skirt of a person's cloak.முற்றூதன் , a fore-runner.முன்பனி ,முற்பனி , the season of evening dew (December and January).முன் பாத்தியம் , first right.முன்பின் , com.முன்னே பின்னே , before and behind, as usual; 2. about,ஏறக்குறைய .முன்பின் வாடிக்கையானபடி செய் , do as usual.முன்பின் விசாரிக்க , to deliberate with oneself about a thing.முன்பு , before; 2. antiquity; 3. greatness; 4. strength.முன் (முன்னுக்குப் )போக , to go before, to advance.முன்போல , as formerly.முன்மாதிரி , example.முன்வருங் காரியம் , an event or thing which shall come hereafter.முன்வாய்ப்பல் , fore-teeth, cutters, incisors.முன்னங்கால் , the skin or forepart of the leg; 2. the fore-feet of a quadruped.முன்னங்கை , the forearm from the fingers to the elbow.முன்னடையாளம் , prognostic, typical prefiguration.முன்னணி , the van of an army.முன்னணை , manger, crib; 2. a firstborn child.முன்னதாக , asமுன்னே .முன்னந்தம் , the front view.முன்னந்தலை , the forehead.முன்னந்தொடை , a fore-shoulder or fore-quarter of a mutton etc., the front of the thigh.முன்னம் ,முன்னமே ,முன்னர் , before.முன்னற ,முன்னுற , beforehand, previously.முன்னாக , first, beforehand.முன்னாடி , (collog.) asமுன்னற .முன்னாலே , formerly, before.முன்னிட , (v. i. & t.), to go foremost; 2. to be successful; 3. to let another go first; 4. to invoke through one's intercession.சாமியை முன்னிட்டுப்போ , go in the name of the Lord.ஒருவரை முன்னிட்டுப்போக , to go to one in the name of another; to follow behind one who goes inமூ , (adi. old, ancient, antigue, மூ முது ; 2. three, third,மு .மூதாதை , (fem.மூதாய் ) grand-father.மூதேவி , the goddess of ill-luck, the elder sister of Lakshmi.மூவிணை , three yoke of oxen,மூவிணை .மூவரசர் ,மூவேந்தர் , the three famous kings, Sera, Shola and Pandia.மூவர் , three persons; 2. the Triad.மூவைந்து ,மூவாறு , etc., three times five, six etc.மூவுலகம் , the three worlds.