Meaning of 'poz'

pozu, II. v. t. split, cleave, open grub up, pila; v. i. be split or cleft gape, veti; 2. be disunited, piri II.

pozmukam, a hog as grubbing up the earth with its snout.
pozvay, a open mouth, a toothless mouth.
pozvu, v. n. cleaving, grubbing.

Meaning of போழ்

போழு, II. v. t. split, cleave, open grub up, பிள; v. i. be split or cleft gape, வெடி; 2. be disunited, பிரி II.

போழ்முகம், a hog as grubbing up the earth with its snout.
போழ்வாய், a open mouth, a toothless mouth.
போழ்வு, v. n. cleaving, grubbing.

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