Meaning of 'poyai'

s. (poyu) burden, load, cumai; 2. weight, param; 3. a mountain, malai; 4. the earth, pumi; 5. patience, poyu mai; 6. a stone to close up a channel or a spout, calatarai mutaliya ataik kung kal.

poyaiyan, any king of the Sera dynasty, as lord of a mountainous district; 2. Yudhistra, the eldest of the Pandavas, famed for his patience.
poyaiyilar, savages, hunters, as unforbearing.
poyaiyutaimai, possession of patience.

Meaning of பொறை

s. (பொறு) burden, load, சுமை; 2. weight, பாரம்; 3. a mountain, மலை; 4. the earth, பூமி; 5. patience, பொறு மை; 6. a stone to close up a channel or a spout, சலதாரை முதலிய அடைக் குங் கல்.

பொறையன், any king of the Sera dynasty, as lord of a mountainous district; 2. Yudhistra, the eldest of the Pandavas, famed for his patience.
பொறையிலார், savages, hunters, as unforbearing.
பொறையுடைமை, possession of patience.

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