Meaning of 'pottal'

s. (po, v.) a hole, a rent, tuvaram; 2. v. n. perforation, tulait tal; 3. stitching, taittal.

pottalataikka, to mend, to patch up, to pay off debts, to make sham excuses.
pottalakka, to pick a hole.

Meaning of பொத்தல்

s. (பொ, v.) a hole, a rent, துவாரம்; 2. v. n. perforation, துளைத் தல்; 3. stitching, தைத்தல்.

பொத்தலடைக்க, to mend, to patch up, to pay off debts, to make sham excuses.
பொத்தலாக்க, to pick a hole.

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