Meaning of 'puli'

s. a tiger, a panther.

kotip puli, kazutaip--, ciyuttap--, vengkaip--, see separately.
pulik kutti, a young tiger.
pulit tatukki, pulit totakki, a prickly shrub (said to hinder the passage of a tiger), cassalpinia.
pulittol, a tiger's akin.
pulinakam, tiger-claws.
pulipaya, to fly at one like a tiger.
pulippayccal, springing of a tiger.
puli yuyumi, a kind of drum which sounds like the growl of the tiger; 2. a rattle to scare away birds; 3. a watch-man's rattle.
puliyur, Chidambaram, as the residence of Vyagrapadha, a Rishi with a tiger's leg.
puliyeyu, a he-tiger, a male tiger.

Meaning of புலி

s. a tiger, a panther.

கொடிப் புலி, கழுதைப்--, சிறுத்தப்--, வேங்கைப்--, see separately.
புலிக் குட்டி, a young tiger.
புலித் தடுக்கி, புலித் தொடக்கி, a prickly shrub (said to hinder the passage of a tiger), cassalpinia.
புலித்தோல், a tiger's akin.
புலிநகம், tiger-claws.
புலிபாய, to fly at one like a tiger.
புலிப்பாய்ச்சல், springing of a tiger.
புலி யுறுமி, a kind of drum which sounds like the growl of the tiger; 2. a rattle to scare away birds; 3. a watch-man's rattle.
புலியூர், Chidambaram, as the residence of Vyagrapadha, a Rishi with a tiger's leg.
புலியேறு, a he-tiger, a male tiger.

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