Meaning of 'potu'

irreg. v. i. (pontatu or porn tatu, potum) go, pass, cellu; 2. be enough, be sufficient, adequate, payyu; 3. (in some connec.) be respectable, matikkappatu.

pota, adv. (inf.) sufficiently.
potakkotukka, to give as much as is sufficient.
potata nal, unlucky day.
potatu, it is not enough.
iruvarukkum potatu, it is not enough for both; 2. both are on bad terms.
potamal, without sufficing.
potamai, insufficiency, displeasure between persons.
potun (potumana) catci, a competent witness.
potum, it is sufficient, it will do. potumenya manate pon ceyyu maruntu, a contented mind is a continual feast (Proverb)
potumenyirukka, to be content.
potum potatu, it is scarcely enough.
ponta (pornta) fit, suitable, competent.
ponta kalam, proper time.
ponta tiraviyam, sufficient money.
pontapati, potumanapati, sufficiently.
ponta manusan, a competent man.

Meaning of பாது

s. preservation, protection, custody, காவல்; 2. dividing, sharing, 3. compressing.

பாதிட, to preserve or protect; 2. to contract or compress; 3. to divide or share.
பாதுகாக்க, to protect, defend, keep, take care of, காப்பாற்ற.
பாதுகாவல், protection, guard, the watch of a district.
பாதுகாவலன், -காவலாளி, a protector, the watch-man of a district.

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