Meaning of 'potti'

s. (Tel.) outbidding, an endeavour to outdo one, competition, rivalry, porittanam.

ettikkup potti, (colloquial) crossanswers, captiousness.
enperile pottiyayirukkiyan, he is in competition with me.
pottikkaran, a competitor, a rival, one who endeavours to outbid or surpass another.
pottipanna, -pota, to rival, to compete with another.
ennotu pottipannate (pota te), do not acf as a rival to me.
pottiyay vangka, to purchase in competition.
pottiyin perile kotukka, to sell to the highest bidder.
potti vazakku, mutual rivalry.

Meaning of பாட்டி

s. (hon. பாட்டியார்) grandmother; 2. grandfather's or grand-mother's sister.

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