Meaning of 'pancu'

s. cotton, cotton shrub; 2. cloth; 3. down of the illecebrum lanatum, punaippancu.

kan pancataintatu, the eyes became dim (everything appearing like cotton).
pancanai, a bed of cotton.
pancu kotta, to beat cotton, for separating the seed from it.
pancukkottai, a wisp of cotton prepared for spinning.
pancu cura, to touse cotton with the fingers.
pancu panna, to pull cotton with the fingers.
ilavam pancu, silk-cotton, bed-cotton growing on trees.
paruttip pancu, the common cotton growing on shrubs.
pulaip pancu, silk-cotton growing on a certain shrub.

Meaning of பஞ்சு

s. cotton, cotton shrub; 2. cloth; 3. down of the illecebrum lanatum, பூனைப்பஞ்சு.

கண் பஞ்சடைந்தது, the eyes became dim (everything appearing like cotton).
பஞ்சணை, a bed of cotton.
பஞ்சு கொட்ட, to beat cotton, for separating the seed from it.
பஞ்சுக்கொட்டை, a wisp of cotton prepared for spinning.
பஞ்சு சூர, to touse cotton with the fingers.
பஞ்சு பன்ன, to pull cotton with the fingers.
இலவம் பஞ்சு, silk-cotton, bed-cotton growing on trees.
பருத்திப் பஞ்சு, the common cotton growing on shrubs.
பூளைப் பஞ்சு, silk-cotton growing on a certain shrub.

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