Meaning of 'pakattu'

III. v. i. make a false show, calukkuppannu; 2. loathe, aroci, 3. be drowsy, mayangku; v. t. charm, fascinate, mayakku; 2. deceive, delude one by ostentation or flattery, vanci; 3. menace, bully, hector, threaten in order to effect an object, amattu.

tukkam pakattukiyatu, drowsiness comes on.
pakattippayikka, to wheedle away money as a juggler.

Meaning of பகட்டு

III. v. i. make a false show, சளுக்குப்பண்ணு; 2. loathe, அரோசி, 3. be drowsy, மயங்கு; v. t. charm, fascinate, மயக்கு; 2. deceive, delude one by ostentation or flattery, வஞ்சி; 3. menace, bully, hector, threaten in order to effect an object, அமட்டு.

தூக்கம் பகட்டுகிறது, drowsiness comes on.
பகட்டிப்பறிக்க, to wheedle away money as a juggler.

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