Meaning of 'nonpu'

s. (nol) penance, tavam; 2. fasting, upavacam.

nonamai, non-endurance, want of restraint, nolamai; 2. envy, grudging, poyamai.
nonar, the irreligious, nolar; 2. those who envy the welfare of others, pakaivar.
nonpi, one rigid in austerities.
nonpirukka, to fast.
nonpunoyka, to fast.
nonpupitikka, to keep a fast.
nonpuvita, to break a fast, to eat after a fast.

Meaning of நோன்பு

s. (நோல்) penance, தவம்; 2. fasting, உபவாசம்.

நோனாமை, non-endurance, want of restraint, நோலாமை; 2. envy, grudging, பொறாமை.
நோனார், the irreligious, நோலார்; 2. those who envy the welfare of others, பகைவர்.
நோன்பி, one rigid in austerities.
நோன்பிருக்க, to fast.
நோன்புநோற்க, to fast.
நோன்புபிடிக்க, to keep a fast.
நோன்புவிட, to break a fast, to eat after a fast.

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